Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Popes & Bankers - A Review

Jack Cashill has hit a home run with this book. Popes & Bankers is a methodical review of how society has used money throughout the bible and beyond. It is a book I have now read twice and find that I realize more each time I turn a page about the function of money. Money means power and he who has the money has the power.

An amazing series of events has occurred in history in a struggle to control that power. Just as strong have been the forces to keep the accumulated power. The biblical references are powerful. Although the book is a study in money it is also a students reflection on the topic.

If you ever really wondered how the world acquired the tremendous financial difficulties that now seem to plague us, you need to read this book.

I review for BookSneeze

Popes and Bankers was provided to me by the publisher for an unbiased review.

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